Friday, April 8, 2011

It-Snot-Gross... If Its Necessary

My Charlie has been fighting nasal congestion for about a week. We don't know if he got the bug from pollen, daycare, or me returning to those nasty pre-teens at work. I'm assuming its the pollen because I've also been congested, but it didn't feel like a cold. We've been treating him with saline and the aspirator. He sounds terrible at night and in the morning but becomes much better as the day goes on.

When he breathes, snot rattles in his nasal passages. He sneezes and it shoots (or rather, slides) from his teeny baby nostrils. He struggles to breath (my poor baby).

My dad used to tell me how women would suck baby snot right from the nose with their mouths... LITERALLY!!! Women would take their own mouths, put them over the babies' noses and suck.

Well, I'll tell you... as disgusting as it sounds, I gave that method some serious thought as I watched my wheezing sweet-pea struggle to breathe then cough because he was having such difficulty. I prayed that God would work out a miracle and transfer the mucus to me so that I could deal with the problem.

I've resorted to a seemingly effective method of simply covering his nose with tissue and holding one nostril closed. He blows out the mucus (and a lot of it) from the open nostril.

But after this experience, I tell you the truth... Its not gross if its necessary!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of the method your father mentioned. I haven't done it yet but in desperate times... However I like your idea, may have to give it a try.
