Monday, November 26, 2012

The Cupcake Effect


     Charlie + Cupcake =

Charlie + Cupcake + Playground =


  1. Steph! oh! your son is so adorable. so adorable.

    i have missed you. i had to go see what i have been missing. come over and see my post for your blogging enjoyment. it is priceless. LOL see ya.

  2. Steph! HUH? I haven't heard from you forever. So nice of you to come on by. You know my calves are too large for most boots too. My daughter got some darling boots today that were 'roomier' in the calf department but they didn't have my size. I am a 6.5 but I can wear a 7 depending. Nope, neither size. My daughter is a 8.5 - 9. She didn't get my side of the family foot. My other daughter is a 7 so we share at times.

    Take care and come on back with your fun picture posts. I miss you!!!

  3. Steph! You almost had a New Years Baby? Happy Birthday to your son! How cool is that?

    LBD huh? nice. I will be sporting the last selection with my leggings and slippers. I have a virus that I can't shake and we don't want to brave the 11 degree weather it shall be tonight.

