Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Coolest Kid at Camp

I went to pick up Charlie from daycare, and when I walked into the place, I could hear babies screaming and crying. I listened closely to hear the cry of my baby, but I could not.

I walked into the room and scanned but didn't see my kid. Babies cried loudly. The teacher told me that all the babies like to eat at 3, so that was why they were crying. They had an extra pair of hands in the room to help warm the bottles and feed the babies.

The teacher informed me that my kid was sitting in the swing by the window. I turned and saw him.


Toes spread wide (as he normally does)...

Holding his pacifier...


Looking at me...


I smiled back, danced over to him, and got him out the swing. He calmly looked down at the crying babies and smiled.
My baby is so cool.

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