Sunday, July 3, 2011

3am Snack Routine

Wait for baby to fuss...
Prepare bottle, get back in bed, watch baby on monitor...
Wait for baby to (slightly) cry...
Get baby from crib, place first pacifier in corner of crib...
Sit on bed with baby, give him a 4oz bottle, cover his feet with sheet...
Wait for him to finish (he never really wakes up)...
Set bottle on nightstand, give him second pacifier, lay him on bed...
Get diaper, change him, put diaper in the Genie...
Scoop baby up, hold him for a few seconds...
Place him back in crib with second pacifier, cover him with blanket...
Get first pacifier and place it in cup on nightstand...
Take bottle to bathroom, rinse it out, set it next to 12am bottle...
Go back to bed, window shop on the Internet or play Words w/ Friends...
Fall asleep.

(this takes 10-15 minutes and happens at midnight, 3am, and 5:30am. At 5:30, we'll wake up and watch the Disney channel.)

1 comment:

  1. I remember those days and I'm SO glad they are over and done with!
