Friday, October 1, 2010

Natural Woman

I've never been the one for personal upkeep, and I have gotten worse during pregnancy. Everything south of my body's equator looks like a forest. I mean seriously, it looks like I've never seen (or heard of, for that matter) a razor. On a more positive note, however, I have been relatively good about shaving my pits.

Anywho... once I noticed that the growth of my body hair had slowed, I went from being lazy to absolutely unresponsive to and unmoved by what was going on below my belly button. And plus... I can't even see whats going on with my "hoo haa" without the aid of a mirror- no matter how much I bend over to look.

Last week, I really wanted to wear a shin length dress, so I shaved my legs up to the knee. I figured I was good until two days later when I decided to wear a knee length skirt. I was sitting in a chair during one of my classes when I noticed that my legs below the knees looked like a lady while my knees and the few inches you could see above looked like they belonged to a 30 year old line backer named "Bruce". I tugged at that darned skirt until it nearly pulled from under the belly band that was holding it up. I don't think anyone else noticed, but seeing my knees embarrassed me something awful... but I still haven't shaved my full legs. I supposed I'll be wearing pants from here on out. *shrug*

And that poor hoo haa of mine... I literally had to take a chain saw to it because using a razor would've been like cutting down a forest with a butter knife.

I thought about going to get things waxed but then I remembered the torture of my first and only time... I decided that I should look especially nice for my soon to be husband, so I used a gift card to a really nice spa that I received as a shower gift right before I went to the wedding rehearsal the day before the wedding. The atmosphere was super nice, and I even bumped into a local celebrity as he dropped his wife off. The lady lead me through the dimly lit (two candles from being pitch black) hallway into a private room. I followed her instructions and got prepared for the waxing. Everything after that was torture. She concluded the visit with "It hurts less the more you come"...

Long story short, baby powder was my best friend, and I didn't wear underwear until two days later. So... that was that for the surprise (and extremely cute) "I heart Zack" panties I'd planned on wearing on our wedding night... Thank goodness all we did at the hotel that night was order room service and pluck off all my eyelashes!


  1. Oh Steph, I love your honesty! I also remember the days of feeling like I was leaning over a pumpkin to find my legs and shave them.

    Since Dom was a summer baby I felt like I had no choice but to march on. With my dark hair and lighter skin you could see growth a mile away if I skipped a day! *grumbles about my sisters having light hair...they could skip shaving for a month and you would never see it unless you were beside them!*

    As for the bikini region, I felt like a samurai, entrusting the "sword" to take on a battle I couldn't even see! *lol* Talk about bravery!

    I shaved the day we went to deliver and I was shaving again within a day or so of coming home. Most nerve-wracking experience ever but it helped me regain a sense of routine and normalcy...and it made me feel like "me", albeit a slightly deflated version :D

  2. LOL!!!!

    Hey, girl this was so funny! I use some clippers dedicated especially to that. And I will get my husband to do it for me if I cannot.

    I have Never gotten waxed down there and thanks to this post, I NEVER will. lol!
