Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just So You Know...

Braxton Hicks contractions S.U.C.K!!!!

I've been getting them for about a week now, and they have gotten worst in the last three days. They were so bad last night that I called the emergency line at the doctors office. All the doc said was to take three Tylenols and drink more water... This actually helped so that I could get a "full" night's sleep (5hours).

Tonight however is different.

I took two Tylenols in anticipation of the contractions, but they are not working. The contractions are stronger and are radiating into my back and hips.

I'm pretty sure that the contractions are based on the baby's positioning in my belly. For instance, I will feel the baby push out it's butt or feet, which makes the baby's head move lower, and a contraction starts. It literally feels like bad menstrual cramps that come in waves.

They suck!!!

I get BH sitting, standing, or lying down, when I have to pee, or when the baby moves.

I get them all the time!

Long story short... They suck!!!

1 comment:

  1. Um Steph, you shouldn't be getting BH that radiate down your back and hips... those might be REAL contractions :)
    Tell that baby he/she has to cook longer and to stay put! But yes, they DO suck. I had them so bad the 2nd pregnancy because it seemed like they started at 6 months and with a 2nd pregnancy, baby sits even lower in your pelvis so you literally feel like you could stick your hand up there and pat his/her little head because he/she is "right there"... anyway, make sure you are drinking lots of water and not standing too long. BH get worse the more tired you are... so if you feel them coming on a lot, drink water, put your feet up and relax. 3rd trimester's suck but it's almost over... you won't even remember any of this after he/she comes (wink... wink)...
