Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What the Crap....... Is Cradle Cap???

Chipmunk's hair is changing from straight to curly... Only on the top though. I have a feeling that one day he'll have a jeri curl-like style on top and a wavy mullet on the bottom.

I noticed the other day that he had a scaly patch of skin where the curly hair was growing. It flaked off like dandruff, and just as any good mom would do, I gently scraped some of the skin away because it bothered the crap out of me.

Well, we started to notice that that part of his scalp started to smell a little weird... Like sweat or something. We came up with our reasonings as to why it smelled that way, but none of the reasons seemed to make sense to me.

I decided to do the most common-sensical thing, and I googled the condition. I found that my baby has a mild case of something called Cradle Cap. I remembered my mother-in-law mentioning something about babies getting it and hoping that he wouldn't get it, but I just assumed that it was one of those things like the baby rubbing his hair out because he sleeps on his back.

Well, my kid has it, and according to the knowledeable people on the iternet, it is a common condition in babies due to the mother's hormones, and I should treat it with mineral oil and regular shampoos.

1 comment:

  1. My baby had it too, only at the top though. I soaked the area with olive oil, let it sit all day, then when she fell asleep at night, I brushed it up. It hasn't been back since.
