Thursday, December 30, 2010

Surprise... Surprise

I had my 38 week appointment today, and Zack was able to go with me.

Come to find out... my belly was measuring small, so the CNP sent me in for an ultrasound. The ultrasound lady told us that her estimate of the baby's weight was about 7-8 pounds. We got to see the head and the belly, and we were amazed at how the baby had grown. The baby had grown so much that we were not able to see his/her entire body on the ultrasound.

Anyway... We go back to the exam room in order to have my cervix checked. I find out that I am 1cm dialated and 50% effaced. *means nothing to me*

We also find out that there is less fluid around the baby than they are comfortable with. The CNP told us that they like for the numbers to be between 9 and 11, and our fluid number was at 6.3.

We then find out that the doctor has elected to induce us tonight for the baby's health. The CNP stated that she had sent our info to the hospital and told us what time to expect to hear from the charge nurse. She also mentioned that the Labor and Delivery would probably be extremely busy because a lot of people have unnecessary inductions in order to have their baby's at the end of the year (and for other reasons), but we would be put on high priority and placed in a room tonight.

So here we are... waiting to hear back from the hospital about an open room.

My husband has packed nearly everything in the house so that he "won't get bored"... i think its just nervous energy.

I, on the other hand, am playing it cool... blogging...
and flipping through papers...
and shuffling through lesson plans...
and wondering where my socks are...
and running back and forth to the bathroom...
and wondering if my house is clean enough...
and wanting to fold the clothes in the dryer...

well, maybe I'm a little nervous too.

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