Saturday, July 7, 2012

Better to Label Your Canisters

This morning I woke up with a taste for pancakes which is somewhat unusual since I often wake up with a hankering for cheese eggs, bacon, and biscuits. I also don't usually crave pancakes because of my position at a job I had many years ago. I worked at a teen/young adult shelter, and part of my (and my partner's job) was to make breakfast for the residents. Every time we asked them what they wanted, they'd say pancakes and bacon... EVERY. SINGLE. SATURDAY. AND SUNDAY!!! I made so many pancakes that my partner coined me with the nic-name "Pancake" and I didn't eat pancakes for about a year after leaving that job. So... My husband, because he apparently grew up eating pancakes on weekends or whatever, usually is the one to make ALL pancakes in our house, and he is wonderful at making them. Actually, he makes 90% of breakfast because he's so good at it, but today I decided to make them. When I went into the fridge to get the mix, I noticed that we only had about a cup. I instantly wanted to tear the door off the fridge and throw some stuff, but I didn't. My reaction to my own pantry is often like this and I'm always improvising. I sprang into action googling pancake recipes that call for ingredients I actually have on hand. I whipped out my all purpose flour and then realized, "WAIT! I have wheat flour!!! I'll use that!" I went into the cabinet, pulled it out, and proceeded to make pancakes (in which I put pureed strawberries and applesauce... yum!). This is what I made.
They look good, right? Well, after giving one to my kid, I decided to taste one. **double sigh** I realized that what I thought was wheat flour was actually cornmeal. So... I quickly googled cornmeal pancakes and found this site. While I know that my pancakes were already made, finding a recipe for cornmeal pancakes made me feel better for mixing up ingredients. And no... the pancake recipe I followed was not the same as the one on *shrug* BUT... I did what any good cook would do. I drizzled some homemade blueberry preserves and syrup (courtesy of my MIL) and made the best of the situation.
Charlie ate two, my husband ate some (which was VERY surprising because he's super particular), and I had two. They were heavy and tasted like sweet cornbread, but at least we had breakfast.

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