Monday, July 16, 2012

Eat Rocks!

My kid... My kid... He's that weird kid who runs around on the playground eating rocks. I went to get him from daycare today, and he was having a blast running around the teacher with her water spritzer bottle. I walked out to give him a hug, and this little guy shoves a piece of tree bark into his mouth. I quickly get it out as he kicks and laughs on the ground. *eye roll* So... I decide that since he's having so much fun, I should just hang out on the playground with him and the other kids and talk Pinterest with his teachers. When the teachers told the kids to line up on the wall so that they could go inside, I rallied my kid and his friends and stood on the wall with them. At that time, my mohawked kid looks at me with Georgia clay colored drool dripping from his mouth. My gut was gripped as I just KNEW one of his new teeth had cracked out of his mouth... Instead, he spits out two little rocks. This is like the third day that I've caught him eating rocks on the playground... if its not rocks, he's somewhere tasting the dirt! It freaks me out!!! Like... my kid is that weirdo that eats dirt on the playground... seriously! Yes, he's suave with the ladies, but he freaking eats dirt!!!

1 comment:

  1. that's pretty funny. kids are so weird sometimes. as long as he isn't doing it at 15, you're probably ok! =)
